International Trade
Customs Structure of business, projects and international contracts MaritimeFinancial Market
Banking Credit Union Defenses and appeals in administrative procedures (PAs) in the financial market (BACEN, CVM and CRSFN)Governance and Corporate
Constitution Projects, mergers, acquisition and corporate changesAgribusiness
Fiscal and Tax
Administrative, Regulatory, Compliance and specialized Litigation
Cooperative Law
International Trade
Rosa, who has been practicing in this segment since 1991 and is an expert in Customs Legislation, Trade Agreements, Preference Tariffs, International Conventions and further issues that regard the relations to exchange of goods and services between Brazilian and foreign companies.
The International Trade Law requires knowledge and understanding of different cultures and ways of doing business. In addition to these skills, we work with partners in North America, Europe and several Latin American countries, which adds greater security to our customers’ operations.
Due to the reasons exposed, we are prepared to assist in all aspects related to import and export operations, including analysis and drafting of contracts, customs and tax issues, Ex-Tariff projects, trade defense (compensatory measures, safeguards and anti-dumping), including representation of companies in administrative procedures before Brazilian authorities and, when necessary, in court.
Customs Law is a set of legal rules aiming at regulating the international flow of goods, capital, products, people, services and vehicles, applying the customs policy determined by the State or by a group of countries. As one of the most complex areas of international trade in the world, it requires knowledge and experience.
Our partner Patrícia Garcia da Rosa whose PhD research dealt specifically with Customs Law on Economic Blocs, is also a customs agent. The combination of such background knowledge ensures the necessary competence for your imports and exports to happen quickly, effectively and efficiently.
Structure of business, projects and international contracts
The globalization of the world economy triggers an inevitable need of interaction among foreign and domestic companies. Recently we have followed a significant increase in foreign investment in Brazil and have had the opportunity to participate in those negotiations with some of our clients.
As the organization of new international businesses in Brazil brings about crucial opportunities for a company, we understand that enabling fluid international ties is a paramount factor for the consolidation of such global market.
Legal advice in the negotiation and execution of agreements, representations, participation of foreigners, mergers and acquisitions, and everything that is involved in this process requires profound knowledge of international and national law. Our staff is prepared to ensure the optimization of resources and the best performance for your company, providing the security and tranquility that you need.
The Maritime Law is a specific area of law, involving all matters concerning loading, unloading and shipping of goods and passengers. It’s necessary to be prepared to meet the demands of charterers, freight forwarders, shipping companies, importers, exporters, insurers, carriers, and operators and port terminals. Practicing in this segment is a task for those who have expertise and a lot of experience in the subject, exactly like our team does.
Financial Market
The Brazilian financial market is one of the most developed in the world and requires a lot of those who work with it, especially in agility and experience. We act as such and have all the necessary structure to meet the needs of the segment.
We operate in specialized advisory to banks, financial institutions and other companies, within the Financial Market and the Central Bank of Brazil in particular. We also offer legal advice in contracting of loans and financing, both in the domestic and international market, also working as prosecutors of corporate borrowers and financial institutions.
Credit Union
We offer full legal advice correlated to credit union, from corporate issues (specially governance) to operations. Our partner Bláir Costa D’Avila holds more than 30 years of experience in legal counseling in the financial market, of which 15 years in Credit Union.
Defenses and appeals in administrative procedures (PAs) in the financial market (BACEN, CVM and CRSFN)
As a team led by partners who are experts in Financial Law and Tax Law, whose experience dates back to the early 1990s, our customers realize that we blend both experience and attention in assisting and settling issues related to this topic.
Governance and Corporate
Experience, skill, creativity and, especially, the mastery of legal and business settings are essential for a work of excellence in these fields. Our team holds these features, and offers the necessary tools for sage and peaceful decisions.
Constitution Projects, mergers, acquisition and corporate changes
Tasks related to the formal documentation of legal entities and their transformations throughout its existence are fundamental to the development and sustainability of business.
Proper drafting of the social contract or its changes is the key to any company. Those responsible for the work must have full attention and complete mastery of the subject, building solutions with the customer, while focusing on their interests and needs.
Our experience ensures all this through legal advice in mergers, partnership incorporation and reorganization; acquisition of companies, joint ventures, venture capital, private equity and investments in Brazil and abroad.
The businesses related to the field have peculiarities that only those linked to agribusiness understand.
The legal structure of these contracts also requires that people speak the same language of those who work in this segment. Advisories, contracts, partnerships, environmental care, financial transaction and all actions in this area are regulated by specific laws and must be done by qualified personnel.
That’s how we work and, therefore, our team is always prepared to agribusiness clients, advising on regulatory issues involving records in government agencies, adaptation to import, export and trade regulations, and adequacy of packaging, production and other activities.
Fiscal and Tax
Brazil is a country whose tax rules are complex, especially in the eyes of foreign investors. Our tax structure is large, bureaucratic and multifaceted, requiring knowledge and profound analysis of each specific case.
In our daily basis, we provide services both in advisory, administrative and judicial litigation in relation to federal, state and local tax issues. As such we offer our clients the analysis of thorough possible alternatives, benefits and potential risks of each operation, to which we gather our know-how and experience, so that managers can feel safe in making decisions.
Administrative, Regulatory, Compliance and specialized Litigation
The Administrative and Regulatory Law, and the development of corporate compliance programs as a whole, are linked together and require teams like ours: with competence in these three subjects, working and supporting each other.
The same logic applies to cases of specialized disputes (specialized litigation), in which the complexity requires close monitoring and unique strategy – something that lean offices can offer much more efficiently.
Cooperative Law
The legal support to cooperativism requires expertise of a sui generis corporate type, as a partnership of people. With wide performance in the segment of cooperatives in various fields, especially due to our partner Bláir Costa D’Avila’s national and international experience in the segment, our office meets all the necessary qualifications to provide legal support in this important sector of the economy.